Welcome to Prayatna- The Learning Lounge!
This is where curiosity meets teaching and knowledge comes to life! Explore the depths of the human mind as we delve into various psychological concepts, theories, and case studies.
Uncover the intricacies of behavior, cognition, and emotions through engaging and thought-provoking discussions. By connecting you to expert educators, a variety of resources and a vibrant learning environment, we are committed to nurturing curiosity and fostering creativity, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
Our Learning Lounge is dedicated to providing a dynamic and engaging educational experience for learners of all ages and backgrounds.
Whether you’re a student seeking academic enrichment or an adult aiming to acquire new skills, our lounge is your haven for expanding your knowledge and fostering insightful conversations about psychology.
About the Learning Lounge
The dearth of the right place and gaining practical knowledge led to the discovery of The Learning Lounge in 2021.The Learning Lounge is an extension of Prayatna which is dedicated to providing quality educational programs in two main segments.
- First, being the Professional course which includes internship programs (both Bachelors and Masters), Workshops, Courses and much more exciting opportunities for all the aspiring psychologists in all fields (clinical, counseling, child, industrial, etc), Special Educators, Early Interventionists and other Mental Health Professionals.
It is the perfect place for psychology aspirants and interns who are looking forward to the right internship program. - Second, The Learning Lounge organizes different workshops, seminars and certified courses. It is dedicated to providing non-professional courses which are aimed at providing Mental Health support to all the people who need it. It includes Personality Development Programs, Workshops on Self-esteem, Assertiveness, Mindfulness, Anxiety, Confidence, and many more such topics of overall mental well-being. All our programs include certification for candidate’s participation.
* Tailor-made programs are available too as per your requirements*
It is a motivating environment with not just theoretical examples but real-life practical cases to deal with. It helps especially clinical and counseling psychology interns to explore a whole new path and gain exposure to the world of psychology.
1324 Dev Atelier, 100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd, Prahlad Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015
Why Choose Us?
We understand your needs and requirements for gaining practical exposure, listening to professionals and learning from their experience. As in this field, it is difficult to come across such an opportunity. We curated this whole program keeping in mind the quality of our content. We help you quench your thirst for knowledge by providing you with our specially tailored certifications. Our highly qualified instructors / trainers, dedicated staff and the takeaways are the main reasons why we’re the go-to training provider for you.
- Highly Qualified Instructors & Trainers
- Course Material Available
- Specifically Tailored Certifications
- Homely Training Centre

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say
Frequently Asked Questions
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped, but if what you need is something that we can help with then we will use the best available treatments to do our utmost to help. The length of session depends on the situation. A regular Psychotherapy session will last 50 minutes. For an initial assessment with a Psychiatrist of Psychologist this could last 90 minutes… view all
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque convallis fringilla massa, non malesuada orci commodo vitae. Praesent laoreet mi fermentum, elementum enim sit amet, semper dolor. Integer vulputate nec nisi ac maximus. Fusce condimentum magna volutpat urna commodo porttitor. Vestibulum at rhoncus erat, sit amet rhoncus ex. Nulla a porta neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit… view all
Duis elementum nulla massa, eget ullamcorper lorem vehicula id. Curabitur malesuada sed dolor a ultricies. Nam sagittis dolor nec dapibus pretium. Vivamus quis dolor feugiat sapien scelerisque luctus nec quis tortor. Duis at accumsan quam. Donec dictum magna sem, ut sollicitudin ex tincidunt dignissim. Morbi dolor tellus, malesuada id mi at, fermentum faucibus nulla. Curabitur convallis condimentum ligula non scelerisque. Quisque pharetra eros neque, eu maximus risus gravida quis. Aliquam eget tincidunt nunc… view all
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce luctus, nulla eget accumsan dapibus, nulla eros tempor risus, et pellentesque tortor neque rhoncus mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque ligula felis, rhoncus vitae metus sed, feugiat placerat augue. Vivamus volutpat mollis gravida. In ornare efficitur lectus. Cras egestas tristique erat ac sodales. Vestibulum maximus, augue sit amet finibus semper, augue mauris eleifend magna, vitae molestie ligula eros sed diam. Suspendisse tincidunt leo ut faucibus viverra. In molestie felis a neque porta, id consequat lacus pharetra. Ut vitae quam orci…. view all
Vivamus eu pharetra ligula. Ut non sagittis quam, non semper dolor. Suspendisse cursus a ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Nunc gravida, arcu sit amet pretium venenatis, massa ex dapibus leo, eu lobortis metus leo at ligula. Proin tortor massa, iaculis nec ipsum et, mollis convallis magna. Mauris molestie orci id risus ultricies dignissim. Etiam in libero pellentesque, congue nibh at, commodo dui. In et felis non eros placerat viverra. Vivamus facilisis dignissim efficitur. Proin auctor elementum condimentum. Nunc tincidunt ex ut convallis ultricies. Morbi faucibus dui ligula, sed efficitur sapien imperdiet sit amet. Sed ut odio a tellus elementum aliquet in quis erat… view all