What is Early Intervention?
There are lots of skills that develop in the first three years of a child’s life. Some infants and toddlers meet developmental milestones more slowly than expected. It is called a developmental delay. Early intervention can help infants and toddlers with delays catch up in their development.
Our Method
There are lots of skills that develop in the first three years of a child’s life. Some infants and toddlers meet developmental milestones more slowly than expected. It is called a developmental delay. Early intervention can help infants and toddlers with delays catch up in their development. Prayatna helps the Parents in their process of conquering the age difference in their Child’s development. When a child does not perform age-appropriately, and when this same fact hits the parents, it is not a cakewalk to accept it gracefully. The home environment and adults that surround the child are a big stimulator in the holistic development of the child. And therefore, family and parental counseling are done before the start of any therapies with the child. This enables the parents to be perfectly in sync with what has to be done with the child at Prayatna during the appointments and what can they do with the child outside Prayatna, like at home, school or any other facilities child goes to. The Parents and caregivers are accepted to play the role of partner in nurturing the child as he/she demand and shall be prepared for guided hard work and repetition with the child at home that could help in the intervention process smoothly and speedily. The child’s grandparents also are included in this process to help the child’s optimum performance if required.